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About NES of India

NES of India was founded in 1978 with registration no. Regd. No 5/9155


Founding Members:
1. Dr Homi Dastur
2. Dr Joe V De Sa
3. Dr Anil D Desai
4. Dr Menino De Souza
5. Dr Ajit Dhariwal
6. Dr H Ganapathy
7. Dr P Ghosh
8. Dr N L Hiranandani
9. Dr S L Jaiswal
10. Dr S K Kacker
11. Dr S Kameswaran
12. Dr P P Karnik
13. Dr M V Kirtane
14. Dr Y N Mehra
15. Dr V P Mondkar
16. Dr Unnikrishnan Nair
17. Dr P V Rajendra Kumar
18. Dr H C Samant
19. Dr K L Shah
20. Dr K U Shah
21. Dr J T Shah
22. Dr M L Sharma
23. Dr Gajindra Sinh
24. Dr (Mrs) Sandra De Sa Souza
25. Dr H S Trehan



Aims and Objectives:


The aims and objectives of the society shall be as under :.


a) To undertake scientific Research in the area of Neuro-otology and in the related areas such as
neurophysiology, neuroanatomy, engineering and audiological aspects etc.


b) To establish, operate, promote, run, maintain, manage, Institution(s) engaged in advancement of research
pertaining to Neuro-otology and Equilibriometry.


c) To provide research facilities for carrying out basic and applied research in concerned system and
disciplines such as Neuro- Otology, Audiology, Neuro-physiology etc.


d) To conduct experiments and to undertake and carry on research, experiments and tests related to the
concerned research disciplines Neuro-otology/Equilibriometry.


e) To establish, provide, maintain and conduct or assist research laboratories and experimental institution
for scientific research. This will be done when the society will have enough fund. Until such time
research laboratories in recognised Medical colleges and Hospitals will be utilised.


f) To give advice on, publish and otherwise promote utilisation of research results in the field of Neuro-
Otology and allied subjects.


g) To promote, develop and improve scientific exchange of knowledge as well as technical cooperation
between similar research Institutions in India and abroad.


h) To conduct conferences, refreshers courses, lectures, seminars, demonstrations and exhibitions relating
to the research done and results obtained. There will be an annual meeting with scientific programme.


i) To make available to others techniques and materials developed as a result of research by individual or a
group of members of the society.


j) To do all acts, matter and things as are incidental or conductive to the attainment of the above aims and
objective or any one or more of them.


Other Objectives


a) To print, publish, exhibit, subscribe and subsidise the periodicals, books, pamphlets or posters that may
be considered desirable for the promotion of the objectives of the society. Efforts will be made for
publishing a Newsletter of the Society and a journal in future.


b) To acquire, build, hire, maintain, run research laboratory and related facilities and to equip them with
amenities considered necessary for the proper discharge of their functions of the society. This may be
possible after having enough fund with society.


c) To borrow or raise money or security or otherwise from time to time for this purpose of the society upon
such terms and conditions as may be deemed reasonable.


d) To provide, award, institute fellowship or scholarships, stipend, renumeration and or other similar
payments to student and research scholars to facilitate their undertaking scientific research in areas of
concerned interest to the society.


e) To cooperate with association of otolaryngologist of India and other national and international bodies

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