NES of India
NES of India, established in 1978, is dedicated to advancing the field of neuro-otology and equilibriometry through research, collaboration, and knowledge sharing. We are the biggest Nationally Registered Society in India working in the field of Audio-Vestibular Medicine.
Become a Member
To become a member email a copy of the completed membership form to the secretary along with proof of payment of membership fees (details in the form).
Form can be downloaded by clicking the pdf icon:
Relevant details can be found on Page 2 of the form.
Eligibility criteria:
1. Life Members (LM): Registered Medical Practitioners with a post graduate specialisation in Otology and/or Vestibular Medicine and who are especially interested in Neuro-Otology and measurement of equilibrium can become a Life Member by payment of an admission fee of Rs. three thousand and five hundred only (3500/-).
2. Associate Life Members (ALM) : Any person from allied medical, paramedical, biomedical, engineering or any other discipline who shows special interest in Neuro otology and equilibrium can become an associate life member by payment of an admission fee of Rs. three thousand only (3000/-).